Wednesday, January 27, 2010

open heArt

a passion pRoject.
an idea.
a dReam.
a reality.
a simple formula.

5 friends.
different stories.
same goal.
using whAt we love and what we know best to creAte the [change] that we wanna see in the woRld,starting first,in our own baCkyard.
it started as a discussion over coffee.
nOw its a way of life..a way of thinking.
whAtever art is too you...
[the list is endless,thats what makes it so powerful]
if we can change the way people see the world& each other,thru something as powerful as aRT..then why nOt.
in december we had our first [open heArt] exhibition.
we created a space for artists tO show there passion,their aRt.
it was a very powerful night...for many of our artists it was their first show!!!
[open heaRt] was able to give them a safe,positive non threatening space to share.
there was everything from live music to live art.
our gOal is spread positive energy and create [change] thru aRt,and thru each other.

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