Monday, August 24, 2009

fReE .99$

Since we are talking hairy upper lips...I wanna share with you a video of my handsome friend pete! He was a part of the MuStAcHe mayhem, but pete was crafty and frugal when he put together his upper lip warmer ;) 

* iF yOu DoN't KnOw..NoW yOu KnOw *

Just another regular Wednesday night...KaRaOkE @ tHe MeT!!!
Which of course is never regular with my friends in the mix...We decided that we'd put a spin on this particular Wednesday we put out the word that it was a MuStAcHe themed party...GrOw OnE/wEaR oNe/DrAw One!!! Just make it happen either way...So with the help of sel..I glued mine on...this is how it went DoWn.

Monday, August 17, 2009

+ iF i GaVe YoU aN eLePhAnT wHeRe WoUlD yOu HiDe iT +

Im on this kick about asking random question's ...
The QuEsTiOn this week is, "if I gave you an elephant..where would you 
hide it??" This is how a few of my friends answered...

Saturday, August 15, 2009

*LeT mE iNtRoDuCe YoU tO zIgGy StArDuSt*

This is my home boy ZiGgY! I rescued him about 3 years ago...he pretty much changed my life,he doesn't really like to be interviewed but I put him on the spot...My best friend say's that zIgGy pees on random things cus he's pissed off with my obsession with HeLLo  KiTTy!!I think it's much deeper xoxo

Thursday, August 13, 2009

[ WeDnEsDaY's JuSt GoT a BiT sWeEtEr ]

So if you haven't been,seen,heard,witnessed or taken part in KARAOKE on Wednesday nights @ The Met....You really haven't lived!!! From the corky die hard karaoke the get drunk and not properly sing any of the words singers..well, and everyone in between! It's really an epic night..every never disappoints! I, your host Kelli will make sure you get your ass up there dancing, if not singing!! And most likely  leave there with some ridiculous songs stuck in your head till the next Wednesday! And  I always have my camera with me snapping photo's as proof that you know every word to "under pressure" or some god awful 80's glam rock band!
If your a regular..she you next week..if you have never been...get over yourself and COME!!!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

(To be Private in Public)

Sometimes the music is so strong that it silences me...Just when I think that i'm bigger then the sound, I try to open up and sing and nothing comes out...A feeling that is so hard to describe ,such a intense feeling that no words will ever be necessary, because no one has to understand but yourself.
For all it's worth...

The Ryan Steele Show!

The Ryan Steele Show is a Gay/lesbian/straight sketch comedy troop! We perform monthly @ The Odyssey night club. Always off side and dirty..the just the way we like it!!
If you havent been, you gotta come out!! Here's a video we did last month..just a taste of what we do
This is the cast getting ready backstage we all love each other soooooooo much!!!!
No ego's ..just lot's of love and support..ha!

Saturday, August 8, 2009

11 Questions with........

This week I'm interviewing Brit B Dubbs aka ShErPs!!!
11 how I ask the ones that really hit hard...pretty sure I almost pulled a Barbara Walters!! Had her in tears..but we had to cut that part out.

My Feet sTiNk <3

So I'm a clean person..I'll start by saying that...
But as of lately my feet have really been sTiNkY!! Maybe it's because of me wearing no sock's in all of my sneakers..So i've been routinely washing my feet in the bath tub throughout the day! Just felt like this was something I should share..

Friday, August 7, 2009

I'm BACK don't worry!!!!

I feel like its been forever since I last blogged! So I'll re-cap a little of whats going on in the world of kelli...hmmm where do I start?? Well the band is writing and getting prepared to work on the new album and we are sooo stoked about that! I'm still working five billion jobs..ha! Loving every minute of it!! Oh jer (my bff) moved back to fort not without me giving him a hair cut first!! I'll post that video..k im trying to fast forward to some exciting things..well we had pRiDe last weekend.. let me re-phrase that..last week!!! You wanna know about my pride week?? check out my blog with jessy my partner in crime...
We talk allllll about pRiDe!!! Let's just say it was GAYmazing!!! Next up in the world of kelli is getting these blogg's out...get myself heard!!!
So here's just a funny video of me trying to cut jer's hair...yikes!